I love to read. Love, I guess, may not be a strong enough word. I adore, cherish, and treasure my reading time. Since Christmas (when I received my beloved Kindle), I have read 12 books. Some far better than others. So I thought it essential to blog about my love. Welcome to Read This, Not That. I hope these recommendations will help you discover your love of books, too!
Read This
Not That
If ever I have recommended a book series before, it has almost always been Outlander by Diana Galbadon. It is a series of seven (soon to be eight) books. It is a slightly sci-fi piece (in that it features time traveling), but is amazingly detailed in Scottish and early-American history. It centers on the love between 20th century time traveler Claire Randall and 18th century Scottish Highlander Jamie Fraser.
The characters of the Outlander series are by far the only characters I had the pleasure to "meet" that I truly wish were real. After seven books and close to 7,000 pages of getting to know them, I love them. This series is rich in love, death, history and (cough, cough) romance. And let's face it? What can go wrong in a book when the male characters are brawn lads wearing kilts.
Oh, I know what can go wrong.... The Inheritance. After all, Shaprio also takes advantage of capitalizing on 18th century Highlanders in kilts. The difference? Her story line - while interesting - in strongly lacking detail. Her writing style reads more like a grocery list than a narrative, and unfortunately, it tries to be too much like Outlander (which I believe she makes reference to at one time in her book). You may ask, "why did you continue to read it Rach?" Well I will tell you. It was the a train is about to wreck and I shouldn't look but I do anyway concept. Once I pick up a book, I will not put it down. Must give it a chance. This is 2 1/2 days of my life I won't get back.
So to sum up. Outander = Good. The Inheritance = Bad. Je Suis Prest!
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